Sunday, January 6, 2013

Les Mis

Today my mom & I went to go see Les Mis at the movies; this is what I wore. She had seen Les Mis In New York City when it was playing, and I distinctively remember the poster she had of it when I was young
So, hearing all the grand reviews of it, I decided we would go see it. 

It was probably the ((worst/best)) movie i've ever seen. 
-if that makes any sense-

Not because the actors were bad, or the filming, or the music, or anything for that matter. 
The best part was the message it conveyed, that of which I will not tell if you haven't seen it. 
The worse was knowing that although this was a movie, people actually lived that way & it absolutely broke my heart. 
I cried & I NEVER cry in movies. How Strange


  1. Your outfit is gorgeous and your short review makes me want to watch it even more!!!

  2. I love your sweater!!! Love the gold buttons!!

    And I wholeheartedly agree with you about have sad it is! While watching the portion with the barracades, I found myself thinking about how this actually happened to real people. Such a beautiful and heartbreaking musical.

    I actually did a whole post on the costuming of Les Mis on my blog recently. Here is the link if you'd want to check it out:

    Have a lovely day!
    -Mandi Noel

  3. Hi there! I just nominated you for the Liebster award because I enjoyed reading your blog. Check the details about the award on my blog :)
    By the way, I like your outfit! :)


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