Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cannes: Week 1

Entrance into the college
Okay, so it isn't a week just yet here in Cannes, but I already have so many photos that I need to share. Cannes is STUNNING. I mean really STUN-NING. Everywhere you turn it's beautiful. I had heard about the Cote D'azur and knew it was beautiful, but look at some of the pictures i've looks almost fake! Tiny little Alley that lead out to the bluest water you have ever seen.
PLUS... the fact my college is actually 2 steps from the sea is unreal. 
I've been in class for three days now and can already recall a lot of the french I had forgotten. Thank goodness!
Rue Meydier 

Espresso and a Laudree Macaroon (my favorite flavor, pétale de rose)

The food here is fantastique! It really is true the French take time to prepare everything. We have a three course meal at lunch time: Salad bar, main course, and dessert. All of which is served to us (this is considered dining hall food in France by the way.) 

Ile Sainte Marguerite

Cannes side street

walking though town

Cote D'Azur

view of the Cote D'azur from the boat ride

view from Ile Sainte Marguerite

The view from my dorm room 

my favorite little road

Cannes at night (Carlton Hotel in the background)


our dorm room! 

Cannes at night

The fact this is only a stop to Paris is crazy because I feel like I am already experiencing so much and I have only been gone for a week! On Saturday we are going to Monaco, so it should be fun going on the TGV and going to another country! We also plan to go to Grasse, which is where all the perfume in France is made...I can smell the heavenly scents now. And hopefully we can make it over to San Remo, Italy before we leave for Paris next Saturday.

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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures! Hope you have fun! :D

    xx MJ


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